Featured Memorials

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Because an online memorial offers a continuing way to share and remember, a Memorial Website creator, family members, and friends return frequently. Below you can find Memorial Websites that have been recently updated with photos, stories, or other remembrances.

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Create a Memorial

Combine memorable stories, photos, videos and more to honor and celebrate the life of your loved one.

  • Start with a 14-day free trial
  • Create a site in 5 minutes using our 4-step process
  • Limited time offer. Receive 25% off the regular price for a 1-year sponsorship.


I have been so pleased with the products/services Legacy.com has made available to the public and I've utilized as many as I could. The Memorial websites, Moving Tributes and now LegacyConnect are all superior products/services and Legacy.com makes it very easy for all to use.