
Remembering fond memories, family videos and personal stories can help us to mourn and grieve during a difficult time. Building a Memorial Website by Legacy.com can help you to cope with the loss of a loved one by sharing video and audio clips, photographs and other personal content with friends and family.

From time to time, site hosts and other visitors share their Memorial Website experiences with Legacy.com and we’d like to share them with you.

"I have been so pleased with the products/services Legacy.com has made available to the public and I've utilized as many as I could. The Memorial websites, Moving Tributes and now LegacyConnect are all superior products/services and Legacy.com makes it very easy for all to use. I tell as many people as I can about Legacy.com and my tribute website has links to the Legacy websites. Legacy.com is a great institution, (if I may call it that), and I hope it will continue to provide more and new services. Legacy provides a great service to the public. Keep up the good work. Thank you Legacy.com and to all of its staff, again."

Barry Harnamji
Host of Memorial Websites for Robert Kopler, Vilma Harnamji, Darin Harnamji

"Daniel's site has given us a place to go when we just need to talk with him. If it’s raining or cold we can still talk with him. Looking at his picture makes it more real, as if he is talking back."

Host Name
Host of Memorial Website in honor of Deceased Person
  • Unknown
  • Unknown

"This Memorial Website helps in many ways. I am able to go to the site and look back at all the wonderful comments expressed in his Memory book, view the many photos, and even video clips of his funeral with the Salute from the New Orleans Fire Dept. One important fact is that when Kris’ two boys get older they will have this Memorial Web Site to look back and see all the beautiful expressions and comments that mention their Dad.

Thanks Legacy.Com Memorial Websites you have made a ladder to Kris for us."

Elaine Phillips
Host of Memorial Website in honor of Kris Phillips Sr.

"When my mom passed, one of my most panic-inducing fears was that after time she would not be remembered. I wanted a way for her to be memorialized that would be accessible to family and friends across the country, and for my young children, when their memories of her started to fade. The Legacy Memorial Website was the perfect vehicle to meet these goals. I love the biography section, where we could write a fitting tribute. Even better, is that we have the ability to tweak these words, to ensure that they best capture mom, at least a thousand times to our satisfaction. Being able to import the Guest Book makes the page even more wonderful. Most people who view it, are unable to hold back the tears. In fact, we added the link to the funeral program that we handed out at her service. I know that mom would love her site, and that brings us some happiness through the hardest time of our life."

Christine Layshock
Host of Memorial Website in honor of Mary Dichtel

Create a Memorial

Combine memorable stories, photos, videos and more to honor and celebrate the life of your loved one.

  • Start with a 14-day free trial
  • Create a site in 5 minutes using our 4-step process
  • Limited time offer. Receive 25% off the regular price for a 1-year sponsorship.